Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Stuck for ideas

So after all my links and advice on how to find useful resources, I have reached a crisis point. After having the same class for over 10 weeks I am well and truly stuck for innovative and engaging lessons. Here's the problem- not only are my students immature ,they also have no desire to learn about cultural or news events. Thinking that an article on facebook might spark their attention, I compiled a lesson dedicated to the impact of new social network sites. No luck. They just have no desire for learning about the world, which presents a problem in itself. Here are a generation of wealthy students, originating from powerful Asian families, and they would rather talk about the latest video game than actually understand about the city they are living in. Perhaps I'm too naive in my approach.. but as a teacher there is only so much boring grammar games you can endure. Lively, interesting discussion on current affairs can not only generate a large number of new words to learn but it can also help us learn different ideas. There is a wealth of resources available for a teacher who has a class who is interested in culture- the arts, news stories etc.. however, for a teacher that doesn't -it becomes so much tougher finding stimulating resources that excite and engage!

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